Marketing Associate At DEVART Lab

Marketing Associate At DEVART Lab

Marketing Associate At DEVART Lab
Marketing Associate At DEVART Lab


For all medical representatives whose career aspiration is Marketing ;
DEVARTLab pharmaceuticals is hiring “Marketing Associate ” :
_Identify, Develop and Evaluate Brand Plan & Marketing Tools.
_Accountable for Sales Team Training & Development.
_Ensure Right Delivery of Marketing Messages.
_Dealing with Conferences Organizers, Attending Scientific Conferences and Responsible for DEVARTLab Branding all over the Event.
_Building Rapport with Potential KOLs.
_Online and Offline Marketing Campaigns Follow up.
_Sales analysis and Monitoring Sales Team Performance.

Bachelor’s degree of (Pharmacy/Vet).
At least 3 years of experience in medical sales  is a Must.
Cairo Resident.
Postgraduate study in marketing is preferable .

If you are interested , send  your CV:
(Please mention “Marketing Associate ” subject field)


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