
Winter Engineering Internships At El Soadaa Group

Winter Engineering Internships At El Soadaa Group


Winter Engineering Internships At El Soadaa Group
Winter Engineering Internships At El Soadaa Group




About El Soadaa Group:

El Soadaa Group was established in 1980. In a short time the company was classified as
benchmark of quality, accuracy and execution on time as a result of the commitment of ElSoadaa Group with the standers and high specification in all projects which consider a national projects.

El Soadaa Group is a member of the Egyptian Federation for Construction and Building Contractors classified as first category in most specialties (construction _bridges _roads pedestrian tunnels_mineral construction.
paving and water feeding _railway works)

El Soadaa Group Vision:
To be one of the international contracting
companies, investing our expertise and values to advance in all levels

El Soadaa Group message:
Excellence in the implementation of national
projects, infrastructure, and all mega projects,
by commitment with the standards,
specifications and overcome all constrains.

About Winter Engineering Internships At El Soadaa Group:

El Soadaa Group offers Winter internship program for 5 Days, Gain experience working with our technical team.

Eligible candidates for the internship must having engineering bachelor degree with the following mentioned majors.
>» Mechanical Engineering
» Electrical Engineering
» Mechatronics Engineering
» Civil Engineering

Note: Applicants must be Fresh grads of 2022, senior year and 3rd year.

Send us your resume at

Send your resume with Subject: Winter Internship

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